What is Organomineral Fertilizer?
14 February 2022

Organomineral fertilizers are fertilizers obtained from a mixture of organic and chemical substances. It consists of chemical and organic raw materials enriched with sulphur, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and organic nutrients. They are fertilizers obtained by processing humic acid, phosphoric acid solutions and potassium salts.

Organomineral liquid fertilizers; it can be applied by drip irrigation or from the leaf of the plant.

The use of organominal fertilizers in Turkey is increasing due to the benefits they provide to the plant.

What Does Organomineral Fertilizer Do?

Organomineral fertilizer, since they include organic and chemical substances in its content, helps aeration of the soil and improve the soil.

It significantly improves the quality of the soil and adjusts the pH level. It increases the water holding capacity of the soil and prevents the plant from losing water.

-NOTE- Our products have the variety to meet all the minerals needed by the soil and have the feature of improving the soil.

Soil erosion can be prevented!

By promoting healthy and strong root development in the plant, soil erosion is prevented.

Organomineral Fertilizer and Plant Disease Risk

Rotting occurs when the plant fails to develop a healthy root during vegetation. Organomineral fertilizer removes heavy metal toxicities in the soil from the plant, ensuring healthy growth of the plant and obtaining quality products.

It prevents the risk of disease caused by changing climatic conditions due to seasonal transitions. More efficiency is observed compared to chemical fertilizers.

How is Organomineral Fertilizer Applied?

When organomineral fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer, it is applied according to the root depth of the seed or plant.

Spreading method can be used as top fertilizer. When it is applied to the soil surface, it reaches the roots by mixing with the soil solution with the effect of rain and irrigation water.

For fruit trees, it is recommended to be mixed into the soil and applied. Organomineral liquid fertilizers can be given in the form of drip irrigation and foliar application.

For detailed information about organomineral fertilizers, you can visit our www.unisalver.com.tr web page.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I apply organomineral fertilizers?

Organomineral fertilizer is applied at different time intervals for each plant. It is recommended to apply during the development process of your greenhouse or open field plants.

Will organomineral fertilizers harm my plant?

Organomineral fertilizers have no side effects on your plant or any product you grow. When you buy the right and high quality fertilizers, your plants will grow in the direction you want.