Advantages of Liquid Fertilizer
14 February 2022

Activation of liquid fertilizer in the soil is very fast compared to other known fertilizers. It can be applied in liquid form or in solution form. Liquid fertilizers, which offer ease of use in plant cultivation, have many benefits when viewed from the plant perspective. So, what are the advantages of liquid fertilizer?

What is Liquid Fertilizer?

Liquid fertilizer is a product that meets all the needs of the plant.

Liquid fertilizers; when compared with solid fertilizers, it provides benefits in terms of ease of use. Therefore, the interaction is also faster.

You can apply directly to the root of the plant. Different application methods are also available.

Liquid fertilizer advantages have many benefits in terms of both soil and plant.

It should be applied in the right periods and in the right dosages without exaggerating according to the plant.

When the use of liquid fertilizer is realized with organic fertilizers, a healthier plant cultivation takes place.

What are the Benefits of Liquid Fertilizer?

Among the advantages of liquid fertilizer, first of all, it increases the organic matter in the soil.

o Liquid fertilizers seriously intensify the microorganisms in the soil. This brings productivity for the plant.

Since the fertilizer is liquid, the nutrients in it are absorbed by the plant in a short time. Plant absorption of solid fertilizers takes time. However, such a situation is not possible with liquid fertilizers. Instant absorption takes place.

It can be added to the irrigation water of the plant using the fertigation method.

Liquid fertilizer contains humic and fulvic acids.

What are the Contributions of Liquid Fertilizer to the Plant?

The advantages of liquid fertilizer are broad in terms of plants. It can be used in every period of plant cultivation as it offers ease of use.

It helps the soil to be processed easily.

It is effective in the development of plant roots.

It regulates the pH value of the soil and this increases the efficiency of the plant. The water holding capacity of the soil is among the advantages of liquid fertilizer.

It increases the will of the plant to live from planting to the last moment. At the same time, soil erosion is prevented.

It is a stimulant in the proliferation of cells in the root of the plant. It helps balanced growth.

What Happens If Liquid Fertilizer Is Not Used?

If liquid fertilizer is not used, the desired efficiency from the plant cannot be obtained in the expected direction.

The quality of the soil cannot be increased.

Root development of the plant lags behind.

Seed germination rate slows down.

Root rot of the plant, yellowing of the leaves can be seen. The shelf life of the products is reduced.

You can benefit from the advantages of liquid fertilizer in order not to encounter undesirable problems in plant cultivation.

Liquid fertilizers are available on our website with high quality and reasonable prices. If you visit our page, you can get detailed information.

Frequently asked Questions

Which application method is recommended for liquid fertilizer?

For liquid fertilizer, you should use the most appropriate application method for your plant. Here drip, spray methods are presented.

Does liquid fertilizer affect the irrigation need of the plant?

Liquid fertilizer definitely affects the irrigation need of the plant. It reduces the water requirement of the plant.

How should liquid fertilizer be applied to open-grown vegetables?

You can use it from the first watering moment for your plants grown outdoors. It is possible to apply liquid fertilizer until shedding of flowers.